Food Waste Friday: Cilantro

Part of saving money, especially when it comes to groceries and food, is to not waste the food that you do buy.  If you work hard to save money and purchase good, wholesome food for your family, then why would you want to throw it in the trash each week?

Now I’m not clever enough to have come up with Food Waste Friday on my own.  I’m participating along with some other great ladies, including Kristen, a.k.a The Frugal Girl.  Why don’t you join us and see how much money you can save by actually eating all the food you buy?

I knew this day would come.  During the summer I buy cilantro.  A LOT.  I adore cilantro.  But sometimes I just can’t use it all up before it starts to fizzle out on me.  I try to use it all up during my lunches (in quesadillas, primarily), but this time, with our trip to Dallas and other stuff going on it just got out of hand.  That and I forgot to wrap it up in a damp towel and put it in a ziplock.  That will take care of it real quick.

That’s all for this week!

How about you?  How much food do you waste each week?  Join us in trying to create a food waste-free household!

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